Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Motivation- Hard to Come By?

I know from first hand experience that motivation can be hard to come by. Running your own business teaches you to find that motivation even when you think you're totally out of it. How do I get motivated?

Pinterest. Duh. I feel like I shouldn't even have to bring Pinterest up any more. But I'm sorry I love it. Once a hater, turned into a lover, Pinterest has fueled my mind with happiness, ideas, and motivation. Like my Fashionable Beauty board....It inspires me every day to dress better, carry myself with confidence, and be creative!

Friends. My friends motivate me constantly. If I am not able to be around my friends, then I literally suffer mentally and emotionally. If I can't be around friends, being around people in general will often do as long as I can have some sort of conversation or interaction with them.

The Weather.  The sun itself is a great motivator. It gets up every morning without delay and sets in the evening to end your day. It warms you up when you're surrounded by a cold, cold world.

Sometimes I come across people who have a really hard time getting motivated. I mean, sometimes I am that person. Often I think my medication is the culprit and this may be the same case for many others. But when a person refuses to find inspiration or motivation in anything how do you help them?

I like to find what they lost. What was it that made them so happy before and why did it go away? I am no psychiatrist or therapist though. So for those of you who help people get motivated what are some of your tips and tricks??

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